Mozambique: Tourism Marketing Strategy for Quirimbas National Park
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
(via Environment Business & Development Group/Leeds Metropolitan University - 2007)
WWF had recently contracted with the Mozambican government to run Mozambique’s newest national park. Conservation was a priority, as was sensitive development. But the park also needed to attract visitors to help fund conservation and deliver benefits to local communities. We were asked to consider how visitors could be attracted to the park within the context of the Tourism Development Plan, which we were developing for the park. But the park was unlikely to have sufficient funds to achieve significant impact in external markets. (See also Tourism Development Plan for Quirimbas National Park under “Eco-Pro-Poor Tourism Strategy”)
We identified a number of common-sense, low budget promotional activities that the park could undertake to generate awareness amongst visitors who were already in the immediate vicinity of the park
- We recommended linkages with key commercial operators who might bring business into the park
- We recommended ways in which the park could achieve international market penetration by working with organisations with a wider reach, both domestically and internationally, such as FUTUR, the Mozambican tourism board, and others
- Cost-effective, low budget, marketing strategy through partnership approach
- Opportunities to reach international markets, which would otherwise be unattainable, by working with others