About Us
In a Nutshell
Yellow Railroad Ltd. is an international destination consultancy, under the leadership of Tom Buncle, Managing Director. We help tourism destinations improve their competitiveness on the world stage.

He has led tourism consultancy projects in the UK, Europe, Africa and the Caribbean.more...

We work only with highly experienced associates. We recruit suitably qualified associates for each specific job, in order to match every client’s individual need. We do not rely on junior consultants or a generic in-house employee skills base.
This enables us to be flexible according to your needs, to match precise skills to each job, and to adopt a highly strategic approach to every project. It also ensures that each client has the most appropriately skilled people working on their project every time.
We approach each project with enthusiasm, imagination and pride, as if it was our only project.
We have international associates in the UK, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Specialist Agencies

We also work with a small number of specialist agencies, who have specific expertise in perception research and brand design for destinations.
And we have links with agencies specialising in media relations, advertising and destination representation in the UK, Europe, Asia and Africa.
International Presentations

Tom Buncle is a regular speaker at international conferences and European business schools on:
- Branding countries and places
- Future trends in travel
- Crisis communications for tourism destinations