ETC / UNWTO Handbook on Tourism Destination Branding

United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) & European Travel Commission (ETC)
We were delighted to be appointed by the European Travel Commission (ETC) and the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to produce their first ever Handbook on Tourism Destination Branding.
This is a highly practical guide that removes the mystique of tourism destination branding. It contains clear guidelines and informative case studies.
It aims to be the authoritative “how to do it” source for NTOs, DMOs, city marketing bureaux, regional tourism boards and all destination brand and marketing managers around the world.
It should both inspire confidence in those new to the concept of brand management as well as provide fresh insights for experienced brand managers.
We want it to inspire destination managers worldwide. By providing clear guidelines, simply expressed and supported with plenty of examples, we hope it will enable them to develop competitive destination branding strategies with confidence.
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UN World Tourism Organisation: